Schatzinsel kostenlos herunterladen 2 Spiel für PC Vollversion

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Schatzinsel 2. Helfen Sie unserem Helden, Redrum-Bilgewasser, capture sought-after treasures and navigate buccaneer-infested waters!Download Treasure Island 2 Spiele Kostenloser Download für PC-Vollversion Und fangen Sie jetzt an zu spielen und denken Sie daran, es ist ein Spiel für PC,Free PC games for kids, Mädchen und Jungen!Big collection of free full version games for computer and PC. Bei allen aufgeführten Spielen handelt es sich um absolut kostenlose Spiele zum kostenlosen Download!

A new adventure has just started and you are able become a part of it! Schatzinsel 2 is an excellent risky experience for young sailors and pirates! First you step down on the solid ground after a long journey somewhere in the sea. You observe most fabulous locationthe Twelve Islands famous for desperate fights for luxuries and treasures of the continent. Many soldiers and pirates perished in battles for gems, crowns, sophisticated pieces of art. Lots of destinies were broken or became luckier due to them. The chests hidden underground and underwater aren’t forgotten and you will be able to see them again right in front of you! Schatzinsel 2 is an ideal example of a matching game where you look for rows with identical icons.

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Schatzinsel kostenlos herunterladen 2 Spiel für PC - Merkmale & Anforderungen
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